Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Tomlinsons

The Tomlinson family is doing great! We just got back from a much needed vacation to California to see Mike's sisters and to go to DISNEY LAND! The kids had a blast!
Charlie is getting big, he's the smartest little guy! He is currently in Karate, and doing GREAT in it. His sense says that he has great potential. He loves playing video games and taking care of his baby sister. He's always coming up with some cute new phrase to use, currently it's giving people water and saying, "Don't worry! It's on the house!"
Spencer is also getting big! Since we took the binky away, he is a little chatter box! Most of what he says is still jibberish, but he is defin
itely trying to talk more. Right now his favorite things are Transformers-especially "Bunnabee." He loves to make Olivia laugh and likes to do EVERYTHING his brother does.
Olivia is so sweet! It is SO fun to have a girl after 2 boys. She has painted toenails and is always dressed like a princess! She has her daddy, brothers, Granny, Pappa and even her aunts and uncles wrapped around her cute little finger! She is sooo
happy and friendly. She is definitely more sensitive than the boys, but still SO FUN!
Mike is in the middle of school. He has recently decided that in addition to getting his teaching degree, he wants to get a degree in psychology and become a therapist of some kind. He works full-time at WalMart where he is a Customer Service Supervisor, and he still finds time to be a sweet husband and a wonderful dad. He is looking forward to doing APX this summer. :D
I am working overnights at WalMart while Granny watches my cute baby girl. I plan on going back to school to be an RN after Michael is done with his first degree. Since Michael will be gone all summer, and I will be bored out of my mind, I am going to try to train to run the St. George marathon in October.
That's about it! We love and miss all our family out there VERY much! We hope you are all doing well!
All Our Love,
The Tomlinsons

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Every one needs to post to the blog so I can show mom.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Its been a long time!

As you can see, our blog has not been updated for almost a year now! Well here is the 411 on us. I started an Insurnace Agency in May of this year, its going pretty good. We have been working on our house alot in the last few months, just trying to get it looking good and comfy. I will attach some pics. Here is a picture of me moving into my new office space, im pretty excitted about it. Makenzie is 21 months old and bossy just like her mom, you can see in the picture below that she thinks she is all grown up. She is so funny, just the other night she acted like she was putting us to bed, she got me a blanket and a pillow and gave me a kiss and told me "night night". Carolann is Pregnant with our 2nd child. We should find out its sex in the next few weeks. If it is a boy we are going to name him Bladen Marcus Moak or possibly Bridger Marcus Moak or something like that. If its a girl we are thinking Marley or Glenna or something like that, so as you can see we are pretty excited to find out the sex. So thats whats going on with us right now. We will try to keep this blog up a little better from now on.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Here is Beth with Kenzie before she moved to Utah for the summer. I hope you miss her Beth.
Makenzie wanted to drive to church, Mark let her play in the herself...oh well.


i have a blog with my side of the family and it is really nice because i get a chance to get to know all of my cousins all over again, and watch their babies grow. What i like most is showing off my baby to every one else. But most of all it has brought our family alot closer together. i would like to get to know some of you better so i decided to start a blog. i hope you guys have fun with this.